警員自比猶太人被德國納粹逼害 德領事館批完全不恰當
發布時間: 2017/02/24 12:07
最後更新: 2017/02/24 15:47
【延伸閱讀】警員以猶太人被德國納粹逼害自比 警方稱不認同
雖然警方發言人早前已回應有關言論,是個別人員所發表的言論,並不代表警方立場,警方不認同有關不恰當言論。不過,德國領事館fb繼續譴責有關言論,指發言警員是對嚴重缺乏對史實的認知(a regrettably insufficient knowledge of historical facts),言論極為不恰當(utterly inappropriate)。
【延伸閱讀】兩警察工會集會聲援七警 大會:有3.3萬人出席
The reported reference to the Holocaust shows a regrettably insufficient knowledge of historical facts. The Jewish population in Germany was persecuted by the State and all its organs during the Nazi dictatorship and millions lost their lives. Therefore the comparison between the Jewish victims of the Holocaust and police officers convicted for an abuse of power is utterly inappropriate.
早前以色列駐港澳總領事館發亦聲明,指撇除7名警員的判決,有人以猶太人被納粹德軍逼害來作比較是「不恰當(inappropriate)」及「令人遺憾(regretful)」,並期望勿再有人拿「猶太大屠殺(Jewish Holocaust)」作比較。
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